2002 Curriculum Vitae

 This is a listing of my gender-related work that I compiled in April of 2002.

Awards & Grants:

May ‘00: GenderTalk receives the 2000 GLAAD (Gay & Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation) award for “Outstanding LGBT Radio.”

Apr ’99: Operating independently, won a second grant ($10,000) for the International Foundation for Gender Education (IFGE) from the Gill Foundation

Apr ’98: Won the first-ever grant ($10,000) for a non-medical service provider gender organization for IFGE from the Gill Foundation (in 2000 Gill would give $35,000 to gender organizations)

Nov ‘98: GenderTalk is nominated for the 1999 GLAAD (Gay & Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation) award for “Outstanding LGBT Radio.”

Jun ’98: Appointed Grand Marshall of Boston’s Pride parade.

Dec ’97: Cited by the Massachusetts Gay & Lesbian Political Alliance for activist efforts.

Aug ‘97: GenderTalk recieves an award “For Outstanding Community Service” from the Conference Committee for the 3rd FTM Conference of the Americas.

Jun ’97:  Cited by the City of Cambridge for outstanding work on behalf of freedom of gender expression, leadership in transgender activism, dedication to inclusion and diversity, and hosting GenderTalk, the only weekly radio program by, for, and about transgender people.

Apr ’97: Trinity Award, from The International Foundation for Gender Education for service to the Transgender Community.


Summer ‘02: Cover interview co-authored with Gordene O. MacKenzie, PhD., “Jennifer Levi: Attorney for Gender Justice,” Transgender Tapestry magazine, published by the International Foundation for Gender Education.

May ‘99: Article co-authored with Gordene MacKenzie, “Fighting For Our Own Reflection: Groudnbreaking Film and Video Festival Moves Transgender Lives Center Screen”, Sojourner: The Women’s Journal

Feb ’99: Article “Rita Hester’s Murder and the Language of Respect”, Sojourner: The Women’s Journal

Fall ‘98:  Cover story interview “In Search of Mahu”, Transgender Tapestry

Spring ’95-Spring ‘98: “Trans-Actions”, a column relating significant events in the TG community, Transgender Tapestry magazine.

Late ’97: “The Virtual Movement,” an examination of the dynamics of the transgender movement, lead article for GCN, The National Queer Progressive Quearterly.

Spring ’97: Edited and published In Your Face issue #4, a journal of political activism against gender oppression.  Written primarily by Riki Anne Wilchins, it was the first-ever publication to focus on activist news about and hate crimes against transpersons.

Early 1997: “SRS Tomorrow: The Physical Continuum”, paper published in Gender Blending, edited by Bullough, Bullough & Elias, Prometheus Books, Amherst, NY.

Jun ’96:  Review of Body Alchemy: Transsexual Portraits by Loren Cameron, published in Sojourner, the Women’s Forum.

Summer ’96: Edited and published In Your Face issue #3.

Feb ’96:  “Transgenderism ’95: A New Day Dawns”, a review of recent events in the TG community and their significance in the movement towards freedom from oppression based on gender.  Lead article for gender-theme issue of Sojourner, the Women’s Forum.

Fall ’95: Edited and published In Your Face issue #2.

Spring ’95: Edited and published In Your Face #1.

Spring ’95:  SCHEMail #4, self-published, 32-page ‘zine of transgender wit, wisdom & humor.

Spring ’95:  Paper: “My Body, My Choice”, on the right to individual choice in sex reassignment surgery.  Published in Thistle, an MIT student newspaper addressing issues of sexual orientation and gender.

Winter ’94:  Cover article “Building Bridges”, a guide to interpersonal relationships during the coming out process.  Nancy was featured on the cover, in Rollerblades. Tapestry.

Fall ’94:  “Pride”, text of speech at Boston’s Gay Pride event, affirming transsexual identity as queer. Tapestry.

Summer ’94: SCHEMail #3, self-published, 16 pages of news, views, and stories.

Summer ’94: “Gender Outlaws: Kate Bornstein with David Harrison”, an interview.  Tapestry.

Spring ’94: SCHEMail #2.

Fall ’93: SCHEMail (Society of Crossdressing Hardware Engineers) issue #1, self-published, 10 pages of tongue-in-cheek news, comment and humor about crossdressing and transsexualism

’93:  “Ringing Truth”, a review of Dr. Deborah Tannen’s You Just Don’t Understand. Published in Tapestry.

1991: “Transformations Revisited”, a short article about Mariette Pathy Allen’s book Transformations, Crossdressers and Those Who Love Them.  Published in Tapestry.

1991:  “Living To Tell, Telling to Live”, an autobiographical story on coming out, told under the name of Nancy Reynolds. Published in Tapestry, the journal for all persons interested in crossdressing and transsexualism by IFGE (the International Foundation for Gender Education), PO Box 229, Waltham, MA 02254-0229.


May ’02: Guest speaker, Women’s Studies department, Merrimack College, panel on Activism and Diversity

Nov ’01: Guest speaker for a class on gender and women’s studies at Tufts University (Robyn Ochs)

Oct ’01: Moderator for plenary panel titled “SilenT No More: Trans Students On Campus“ (on Transgender Inclusion) at the New England Queer College Organization Leadership Weekend

Feb ’01: Co-presented (with Gordene MacKenzie) two seminars on TG Images in the Media at the Gold Rush Conference in Denver, Colorado.  Also participated in a panel discussion with Gordene, Riki Anne Wilchins, Dana Rivers, and Kate Bornstein on the same topic.

Oct ’00: Guest lecturer, Women’s Studies department, Merrimack College, Gender and Society introductory class

Sept ’00: Panel, “What’s It Like to Live or Work in Cambridge as a GBT Person?”, Cambridge City Hall, sponsored by the City of Cambridge Employee Diversity Committee

May ’00: Feature speaker (with Gordene MacKenzie) at annual Connecticut Outreach Society banquet.  Also performed “In Memory of Rita” and more.

Apr ’00: Guest lecturer, Women’s Studies department, Merrimack College, Gender and Society introductory class

Mar ’00: Co-presented (with partner Gordene MacKenzie) on trans representation in the media at the IFGE annual conference in Washington, DC

Jan ’00: Performed “In Memory of Rita” for the first time at the Tiffany Club “First Event” trans conference in Natick, MA

Dec ’99: Guest lecturer, women’s studies department class at MIT (Mary Parlee)

Dec ’99: Panel (with Gordene and others) on Transgenderism & Sexuality at GLBT center in New York City

Nov ’99: Guest lecturer, Architecture department class at MIT (Ed Levine)

Oct ’99: Panel with Gordene and others, on Trans Feminism in Boston, sponsored by Boston NOW and the Lesbian Avengers.

Aug ’99: Keynote speaker to American Psychological Association Divison 44, on transgender inclusion

Jun ’99: Speaker at Boston’s Pride celebration

Jun ’99: Speaker and leading participant in Lawrence, MA Pride celebration

Apr ’99: Panel on trans medical issues at Harvard University

Spring ’99: Featured speaker, “Equality Begins at Home” GLBT rally event.

Feb ’99: Panel on transgenderism at OutWrite, GLBT writer’s conference.

Nov ’98: Invited speaker, Transgender Helath Conference, GISST (Gender Identity Support Services for Transgenders) Boston

Oct ’98: Workshop, “Activism as Art”, Southern Comfort Conference, Atlanta.

Oct ’98: Panel, “Sex and Pre/Post/Non-Op Transsexualism”, Southern Comfort Conference, Atlanta.

Oct ’98: Keynote Presenter (with Kate Bornstein), Bell Atlantic Corporation, “Transgenderism and the Workplace”, New York City.

Sep ’98: Panel, Lawrence, MA, transgenderism

Sep ’98: Guest lecturer, Honors Department, Gender and Society class, University of New Mexico

Apr ’98: Presented transgender training to the HRC Board of Directors & Governors

Nov ’97: Panel, Transgenderism, Unitarian Universalist Association, Arlington, MA

Oct ’97: Presented on transgenderism to the Harvard Transgender Task Force, Cambridge, MA

Oct ’97: Presented on transgenderism at “Freedom From Gender Society” event at MIT

Aug ’97: Panel, Gender Activism, Massachusetts College of Art, Boston, MA

Jun ’97:  Represented transgender community at Pride main event in Boston, addressing over 10,000 listeners about unemployment of and violence against transgender people.

May ’97: Presented on transgenderism to educators at Arlington High School

Apr ’97: Lectured on transgenderism to psychology class at Harvard.

’97?? : Made an invited presentation to the Gay & Lesbian Advocates & Defenders board of directors that was instumental in moving them to refocus their primary efforts on issues of gender.

Mar ’97: Presented a workshop on transgenderism to an organization of early childhood educators (BAEYC Director’s Conference).

Mar ’97: Presented a session on transgenderism to the Association of College Unions International (ACUI) convention in New Orleans.

Jan ’97: Taught class at MIT about transgenderism.

Dec ’96: Presented on TGism to Cambridge Commission on Women’s Issues.

Oct ’96: Panel discussion on TGism at Leslie College.

Aug ’96:  “What’s Wrong with Transgenderism”, a short paper as part of a panel on TGism at the Society for the Study of Social Problems conference in New York City.

Apr ’96: Training on TGism for Youth Peer Group at Boston’s Children’s Services.

Apr ’96: Workshop on transgenderism (co-presented) at Gay, Lesbian & Straight Teacher’s Network (GLSTN) conference.

Mar ’96: Presentation on TGism for class at MIT.

Nov ’95: Panel: Self-Publishing, at NGLTF “Creating Change” conference in Detroit.

Apr ’95: Panel: “Doing Gender on the Net” at MIT w/Sandy Stone, Sherry Turkle, Amy Bruckman.

Apr ’95: Workshop: “Healthy Transgenderism” at Amer. Assoc. of Sex Educators, Counselors & Therapists (AASECT) national conference in Albuquerque.

Apr ’95: Presentation on TGism for class at MIT.

Feb ’95: Panel on TGism at UMass Amherst conference.

Feb ’95:  Paper: “My Body, My Choice”, affirming individual right to self-determine gender and supporting physiological changes.  Presented to the First Int’l Conference on Cross-Dressing, Sex and Gender at the Univ. of CA, Northridge.

Feb ’95: Presentation on TGism for LGBT student group at Boston University.

’94, 5, 6, 7, 8:  Taught classes at Cambridge Rindge & Latin, and Watertown high schools about crossdressing, transsexualism, and gender in general.

Jan ’95: Training on TGism for Peer Group at Cambridge Cares About AIDS.

Jan ’95: “Gender Outlaws”, a short course on gender transgression, co-taught at MIT in cooperation with the Women’s Studies and Psychology departments.

Oct ’94:  Performance: “Light & Sound, Sex & Gender”, original words and music in conjunction with Mariette Pathy Allen’s words and pictures.

Jun ’94: Speech: “Pride”, at Boston’s Gay Pride Hatch Shell event, affirming transsexual identity as queer.  (text published Fall ’94, see below)

May ’93:  Liaison to TG community and consultant to “Dress Codes”, a popular exhibition of art about crossdressing at Boston’s Institute of Contemporary Art.

’93:  Seminars: “Building Bridges”, a seminar on forming positive relationships during the coming out process (and in general), presented for groups in San Antonio, Atlanta, Boston, Provincetown, and Ebeltoft, Denmark.

Activist Work:

Nov ’01: Organized and led “3rd National Day of Remembrance” memorial event and candlelight vigil in Boston, in memory of slain transgender persons.  Showed the video, “In Memory of Rita.”

Nov ’00: Leading participant in “Day of Mourning” demonstration in Boston.  Performed “In Memory of Rita.”

May ’99: Lobbied Massachusetts federal legislators, Senate and House, on anti-trans hate crimes and employment issues.

Apr ’99: Participated in the “Millions for Mumia” mass demonstration in Philadelphia, PA.

Dec ’98: Co-led “Truth Rally” demonstration in opposition to Bay Windows GLBT media transphobia.

Nov ’98: Led the candlelight vigil for murdered transsexual Rita Hester in Brighton, MA.

Jun ’97: Testified before Cambridge Human Rights Commission on anti-trans discrimination.

May ’97:  In Washington, obtained agreement from both senate and four house representative offices for Massachusetts to sign letter stating need for attention to anti-transgender violence.

May ’97: Led transgender community response to Chanelle Pickett murder acquittal, including media presence as well as sidewalk demonstration at sentencing.

Apr ’97: Conducted small demonstration in support of murdered transsexual Chanelle Pickett at the opening of the trial of her accused murderer.

Feb ’97: Led demonstration in support of murdered transsexual Chanelle Pickett at a hearing of her accused murderer.

Jan ’97: Co-organized and presented testimony before Cambridge City Council in support of law protecting freedom of gender expression and identity.

Nov ’96: Advised Middlesex county prosecutors on transgenderism in support of upcoming trial for murder of Chanelle Pickett.

Oct ’96: Helped organize first-ever intersexed anti- “Intersex Genital Mutilation” demo in Boston

Sep ’96: Led demonstration in support of murdered transsexual Deborah Forte at the trial of her accused murderer.  Pre-trial consult with DA helped obtain 2nd degree murder plea bargain.

May ’96:  Helped lead demonstration in Chicago calling for a more effective investigation into the murder of transsexual Christian Paige.

Feb ’96:  Helped lead a successful demonstration to obtain fair sentencing for Sean O’Neill in Colorado Springs, a young FTM transexual who pled guilty to statutory rape in the face of hysterical charges of predatory behavior.

Dec ’95:  Co-organized and led the vigil and rally of 250 people in support of murdered transsexual Chanelle Pickett.  Led the march to and addressed marchers in front of State House.

Oct ’95:  Lobbied MA senators and representatives in Washington on TG issues.

Oct ’95:  Led Tyra Hunter demonstration outside Mayor Marion Barry’s office in Washington DC, calling for an investigation into a rescue worker’s refusal to treat the injuries of an apparent woman on discovery of her penis.

Jun ’95: Organized party and led TG contingent in Boston’s Gay Pride march.

May ’95:  Co-instigated Brandon Teena vigil, a nationally-organized public demonstration in support of a murdered transsexual, the first of its kind.  Played leadership role in organizing and at vigil in Falls City, Nebraska.

Early ’93:  Designed the symbol must commonly used worldwide to represent the transgender community/movement.

Organizational and related Work:

Oct ’00: Conducted transgender training session for over 50 employees at Verizon in Boston.

Oct ’00: Panel, Tufts University, on transgenderism (Robyn Ochs)

Nov ’97-’98: Served as Executive director of the International Foundation for Gender Education

Jun ’99: Consulted with NGLTF on “Transgender Equality Handbook”

Apr ’97:  Appointed Secretary to IFGE Board of Directors.  Also appointed chair of BOD Nominations Committee.

‘94-’98:  Founding member of Boston TG Pride committee, leading transgender participation in Boston’s Gay Pride week events.

’94-’98: Member, Board of Directors, International Foundation for Gender Education (IFGE), Waltham, MA

Sep ’96: Authored amendment to the Cambridge Human Rights Ordinance adding protection from discrimination on the basis of gender.  First legislation clearly defining and protecting freedom of gender expression, first anywhere defining “same sex” as based on something other than physiology.  Passed by unanimous vote of City Council 2/97.

Sep ’96: Headed Homeless Youth subcommittee for Project 10 East.  Established working relationship with Department of Social Services and various helping organizations.

Sep ’96: Consulted by director of Residence services, Northeastern University, for help with resolving issues involving a transgender student.

Aug ’96: Appointed President of the Project 10 East Board of Directors.

May ’96-’97: Board of Directors of Project 10 East, originating at Cambridge Rindge & Latin High School, providing support and open/safe haven for kids identifying as gay, lesbian, bi, transgender, straight, refusing  to identify, and others.

’95: Advisory Board, Gender Identity and Support Services for Transgenders (GISST)

In addition to the above, Nancy has consulted on various trans issues with the following groups:

Transgender Education Network (Boston)

Gay & Lesbian Advocates & Defenders (Boston)

Gay & Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation (NY, Los Angeles)

Human Rights Campaign (Washington, DC)

National Gay & Lesbian Task Force (NY, Washingon, Boston)

National Association of Social Workers

Project 10 East (Cambridge)


Jun ’95-present:  Host of GenderTalk, a weekly radio talk show devoted to all issues of gender.  The only worldwide weekly program of it’s kind. WMBR 88.1 FM Cambridge, MA, and distributed worldwide since 3/97 at www.gendertalk.com.

Mar ’01: Interviewed for Boston Globe article on trans representation in the media by Patti Hartigan

Jan ’01: GenderTalk radio begins joint production at KUNM Albuquerque NM, and WMBR Cambridge MA

Dec ’00: Featured, with partner Gordene MacKenzie, in Boston Globe article by Judy Foreman on trans biological issues.

Dec ’00: Provided extensive transgender expert commentary on NECN (New England Cable News) segment about transgenderism

Nov ’00: Appeared on WGBH’s “Greater Boston” with Emily Rooney, interviewed by Judy Foreman

Sep ’00: Appeared on WGBH’s “Greater Boston” with Emily Rooney in response to local transgender (Horton/Lopez) controversy

Aug ’00: Interviewed on Australian radio

Jun ’00: Interviewed, with partner Gordene MacKenzie, on the Mike Webb Show on GAYBC radio

Jun ’00: Published “In Memory of Rita”, a music video about the candlelight vigil for murdered transsexual Rita Hester.  Wrote and performed music and co-produced and edited video.

May ’99: Interviewed by Gloria Carol for Transgender Issues documentary for KUNM, Albuquerque and beyond.  Consulted with Gloria on issues and content of her finished piece.

Feb ’99: Interviewed on Santa Cruz radio

Jan ’99: Interviewed for Boston Phoenix article on “Transgender Agenda ‘99” by Susan Ryan-Vollmar.

Sep ’99: Appeared on WGBH’s “Greater Boston” with Emily Rooney in response to media coverage of Rita Hester murder

Dec ’98: Appeared on WFNX Boston’s “One In Ten” GLBT radio show

Oct ’98: Interviewed on KUNM Women’s Program by Carol Boss

Jul ’97: Interviewed by Susan Ryan Vollmar for Boston Phoenix article on Transgender activism.

May ’97: Featured on national television representing transsexuals in a brief story on “Hard Copy”.

May ’97: Appeared on Boston’s “Pride Time” as well as Arlington local access cable TV programs regarding Chanelle Pickett murder case

Mar ’97:  Appeared on “The Howie Carr Show” in Boston (defended against continuous attack).

Dec ’96: Interview by Kandi Kane published in In Newsweekly newspaper.

Oct ’96: Appeared on nationally broadcast Ricki Lake Show segment on transsexualism.

Oct ’96: Interviewed on GAYBC internet radio’s “Hanging’ Out”.

Feb ’95:  Appeared on WCVB-TV’s “Chronicle” newsmagazine, advocating for tolerance of transgenderism.

Mar ’93: Appeared on “Matty in the Morning”, Boston’s most popular AM drive-time radio program (WFNX, 107.9FM), for over 30 minutes of talk about transsexuality.  Named by Matty “the official transsexual of KISS 108”.

Feb ’93:  Appeared as the lead story (“As John Becomes Nancy”) on the front page of the Cambridge Chronicle, Cambridge’s leading newspaper. Article with pictures extensively depicted positive aspects of Nancy’s transsexualism, especially with respect to activism and relationships.

Unrelated Civic Work:

’93-96: Trustee, Putnam Village Condominium Association.