We don’t want to blow our own horn overloud, but we are proud of the work we do, and of the fact that it is valued by others. Some of the recognitions for which we are grateful:
- On May 13, 2000, GenderTalk received the 2000 Media Award from the Gay & Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation (GLAAD) for “Outstanding LGBT Radio.” We had also been nominated for the same award in 1999.
- On August 8, 1997, the Conference Committee for the 3rd FTM Conference of the Americas — “The Hero’s Journey” — presented GenderTalk with an award “For Outstanding Community Service” in appreciation of GenderTalk’s support for and promotion of the conference.
- GenderTalk was mentioned favorably in the New York Times, on TV’s “Hard Copy”, A&E’s “Transgender Revolution”, and in Japan on Asahi TV and in AERA newsmagazine.
- We’re also proud of our past affiliation with a commercial network, the GAYBC Radio Network. We always welcome inquiries from potential sponsors.
- Most importantly, we’ve received hundreds of letters from appreciative listeners, thanking us for our efforts and letting us know how we’ve helped or enriched their lives. We’re still hearing from grateful listeners in 2015!
- In addition to all that, GenderTalk founder, executive producer and co-host Hancy Nangeroni has been honored a number of times for her work, including GenderTalk. To view these awards, please click here.
Our thanks to WMBR, which provided studio and airtime free of charge to Gendertalk, to Internet Archive, a non-profit organization which provides unlimited hosting of our archive free of charge, and KUNM, which provided studio time as well as generous engineering and technical support during 2001. Please enjoy!