
GenderTalk’s All-Volunteer Staff

click here for Nancy's bio pageclick here for Nancy's bio pageFounder, executive producer & co-host Nancy Nangeroni:
Nancy is a transgender community activist, writer, and musician. Former executive director of the International Foundation for Gender Education, she is best known for her incisive writing and inspiring speaking and media appearances. She has been involved in the Transgender community since 1990, and became a leading voice in the Transgender Movement with her call for a national challenge to anti-transgender violence and discrimination in 1995, and then again for her work on Transgender Day of Remembrance in the Boston area.  [bio]
click here for Gordene's bio pageclick here for Gordene's bio pageCo-host & producer Gordene MacKenzie (prog #189-578): 
Writer and author of the provocative and visionary “Transgender Nation” and professor of sex, gender, transgender and women’s studies and the media, Gordene brings a knowledgable voice in a drag queen presence to the airwaves. She produces the program, bringing visionary guests to the show. She directs the Women’s Studies program at Merrimack College in North Andover, MA, and has been a gender activist and trans ally since the 1980s, founding New Mexico’s first trans support group.  [bio]
Engineer & Twisted Nasty News producer Hal Fuller (progs 1-486; 553-578):
Hal’s departure from GenderTalk for health reasons left us all saddened; his return renewed our belief in the fundamentally friendly nature of the universe! Hal’s self-written blurb:
Hal’s popular “Twisted Nasty News” spans the gap between excellence and total depravity. When not out writing wrongs in the streets of Boston, as a masked fashion vigilante, the mild mannered Hal Fuller performs technological miracles on WMBR’s control board, a stone and flint artifact covered with arcane inscriptions, which we suspect to have been stolen from a pharoah’s tomb by an unscrupulous M.I.T. archaeologist.
  Columnist Evelien Snel (biweekly, prog #487-578): 
“Evelien’s Diary” is a personal column from our lady friend in the Netherlands, Evelien Snel. She won the right to our airtime by making a ridiculous contribution to WMBR, and we’re glad she did. Join us as fans of Evelien’s inside story of being transsexual in Europe. Her column warms our hearts every other week, and our only complaint is that she doesn’t do it more often.  []
Engineer Mark Weaver (prog #495-578): 
Talk about shy! Mark warned us that he wouldn’t talk much on the program, and we’ve made it our mission to change that. Although he only comes out at night, we did manage to snap this shot of him when he was unsuspecting. An anti-authoritarian, polyamorous, bisexual free software enthusiast, you’ll be hearing more from him.
  Raving Raven (prog #516-578): 
Have you heard? Raving Raven is The Bird With The Word! That’s right, each week Raven graces us with tidbits of animal lore, encouraging us to remember that we’re all animals, too, and thinking of ourselves as “superior” keeps us isolated from connection with our very own mother – the earth! Just because we can dominate animals by force doesn’t mean we should, and Raven is here to tell us all why!
“Gender News” Producers Ethan & Karen St. Pierre (progs #437-565): 
Transactivist and FTM Ethan St. Pierre, and his spouse, MTF Karen St. Pierre, performed a variety of roles on GenderTalk, initially compiling announcements and managing the phones before reporting weekly on current events, initiating the GenderTalk “Gender News” segment. They brought two more dedicated transgender activist voices to the program. They also produced and hosted their own online radio program, “TransFM”, at
Warrior Director & events editor Karen Larsen (thru prog #436): Careening nearly out of control, Karen brings incorrigible good humor and an unpredictable voice to GenderTalk. She is rumored to practice a rare eastern mysticism which equips her with magical powers and keeps the rest of the crew on their best behavior. She holds it all together behind the scenes while we’re on the air.
Phone answerer Amana Hotpoint (progs #179-300): Amana brought a Boston accent, love of the theatre, and willingness to answer the phone endlessly to bear on the demanding task of placating the demands of the rest of the GenderTalk crew – no small chore, indeed — while greeting listeners and other callers to the program, dispensing wisdom and good cheer.
Ross Lippert (progs #1-169): Ross brought all the testosterone-charged energy of an inquisitive and youthful MIT grad student to bear on the task of how to be most disruptive of boring radio. One of the original members of GenderTalk, he left the program only when he graduated and took a job in, of all places, Albuquerque. He left there for professional reasons prior to GenderTalk’s arrival.
Jamie Stowell (first year, not online): Jamie was one of the original members of the crew, and did a special feature each week. She left the program reluctantly during our first season when she was forced to move across country for job-related reasons.
Others: AJ Dirks assisted with the programs for several years (thru #199), first as an assistant and later co-hosting with Nancy.  Faye Schwartz assisted for about a year, thru #212.

  In Albuquerque:

 (courtesy KUNM)

Engineer Ali Adelman: 
Harder to catch on microphone than that legendary trickster, Ali shepherds each GenderTalk program with tender loving care and graceful expertise.
Assistant Joe Warnes: 
Bringing a deft musician’s hand to the telephone keypad, Joe reaches out and connects us with our guests every week.
Engineer Katrina Lucas 
Assistant Ev Schlatter