OpEd: “My career stopped because of employment discrimination“, in Bay Windows “New England’s Largest GLBT Newspaper”, Jun 29, 2011
Letter to the editor: “Silence for Obama was Golden“, with Gunner Scott, in Bay Windows “New England’s Largest GLBT Newspaper”, June 29, 2010
Letter to the Editor: Civil Rights, Not Bathroom Fear, in Beverly Citizen, March 2010
Invited Blog Post: In the Wake of Hate Crime, for Pam’s House Blend, Nov 3, 2009
OpEd: For Some, a Job Well Done Isn’t Enough, in Salem News, March 3, 2008
OpEd: “Taking HRC’s Money“, with Holly Ryan and Gunner Scott, in Bay Windows “New England’s Largest GLBT Newspaper”, Jan 17, 2008 [pdf]
Letter to the Editor: “ENDA, the GLBT ERA?“, in Bay Windows “New England’s Largest GLBT Newspaper”, Dec 6, 2007
OpEd: “A Not-So-Subtle Trap“, in Bay Windows “New England’s Largest GLBT Newspaper”, Aug 31, 2006
Essay: “Herland“, in The New Goddess: Transgender Women in the Twenty-First Century edited by Gypsey Teague, Fine Tooth Press, 2006
Letter: Letter to the Red Sox, in response to misogynist “humor”. The son of one of the men who found this remark so paralyzingly funny is currently awaiting trial for the murder of his wife.
Article reprint: “Living To Tell, Telling to Live“, Tapestry magazine, IFGE, 2005
Essay: “GenderTalk: a Labor of Love“, co-authored with Gordene MacKenzie in Pinned Down by Pronouns edited by Toni Amato & Mary Davies, Conviction Books, 2003
Essay: “Performing TransLesbian” co-authored with Gordene MacKenzie in GenderQueer: Voices From Beyond the Sexual Binary, ed. By Joan Nestle, Clare Howell & Riki Wilchins, Alyson Books 2002
Cover Interview: “Jennifer Levi: Attorney for Gender Justice“, with Gordene O. MacKenzie, PhD., Transgender Tapestry magazine, published by the International Foundation for Gender Education (IFGE), summer 2002
Opinion: “Fear & Punishment: No Room for Compassion?“, Transgendered In Prisons newsletter, by the Gender Identity Center of Denver, Colorado, Spring, 2002
Feature article: “Fighting For Our Own Reflection: Groundbreaking Film and Video Festival Moves Transgender Lives Center Screen“, with Gordene MacKenzie, in Sojourner: The Women’s Journal, May 1999
Feature article: “Rita Hester’s Murder and the Language of Respect“, Sojourner: The Women’s Journal, Feb 1999
Essay: Ethics and Transgender Care, Transgender Tapestry magazine, (IFGE), September 1998
Feature article: “In Search of Mahu“, Transgender Tapestry magazine, (IFGE), fall 1998
Editorial: “Bisexuality and Transgenderism,” in Transgender Tapestry magazine, IFGE, 1998
Trans-Actions #10, Jan 1998, Transgender Tapestry magazine
Review: Read My Lips, Sexual Subversion and the End Of Gender by Riki Anne Wilchins, published in the Harvard Gay & Lesbian Review, 1998
Essay: Performing Translesbian, June 1998
Column: “Trans-Actions”, compiled and edited listing of Transgender community news, Transgender Tapestry magazine, pub. International Foundation for Gender Education. Quartlery, spring 1995 – spring 1998
Feature article: “Transgenderism For You“, for The Boston Phoenix, Boston’s leading weekly newspaper. Nov 1997
Review: Sex Changes, the Politics of Transgenderism by Pat Califia, published in the Harvard Gay & Lesbian Review, 1997
Feature article: “The Virtual Movement,” an examination of the dynamics of the transgender movement, GCN, The National Queer Progressive Quarterly. Fall-Winter 1997
Edited & published: In Your Face, a journal of political activism against gender oppression, by Riki Anne Wilchins. The first-ever publication to focus on activist news about, and hate crimes against, transpersons. 4 issues, spring 1995 – spring 1997
Essay: “Gender Identity Disorder: What to Do?,” on DSM categorization and pathologization of gender difference. In Transsexual News Telegraph, 1997
Trans-Actions #8, Sept 1997, Transgender Tapestry magazine
Essay: “SRS Tomorrow: The Physical Continuum“, in Gender Blending, edited by Bullough, Bullough & Elias, Prometheus Books, Amherst, NY, 1997. Presented at the first International Symposium on Sex and Gender in Northridge, CA.
Review: Body Alchemy: Transsexual Portraits by Loren Cameron, published in Harvard Gay & Lesbian Review, 1997
Trans-Actions #7, June 1997, Transgender Tapestry magazine
Trans-Actions #6, February 1997, Transgender Tapestry magazine
Trans-Actions #5, December 1996, Transgender Tapestry magazine
Trans-Actions #4, October 1996, Transgender Tapestry magazine
Trans-Actions #3, July 1996, Transgender Tapestry magazine
Feature article: “TransgenderIsm: Challenging the Binary,” on transgender community emergence, published in Open Hands, Resources for Ministries Affirming the Diversity of Human Sexuality, Vol. 12, No. 2, Fall 1996
Feature article: “Transgenderism ’95: A New Day Dawns“, a review of recent events in the TG community and their significance in the movement towards freedom from oppression based on gender. Lead article for gender-theme issue of Sojourner, the Women’s Forum, Feb 1996
Trans-Actions #2, February 1996, Transgender Tapestry magazine
Trans-Actions #1, November 1995, with Riki Anne Wilchins. Transgender Tapestry magazine
Feature article: Paper: “SRS: My Body, My Genitals, My Choice“, in Thistle MIT student newspaper addressing issues of sexual orientation and gender, spring 1995.
Cover article: “Building Bridges“, a guide to interpersonal relationships during the coming out process. Nancy was featured on the cover, in Rollerblades. Tapestry magazine, IFGE, winter 1994
Short feature: “Pride“, text of speech at Boston’s Gay Pride event, affirming transsexual identity as queer. Tapestry magazine, IFGE, fall 1994
Feature article: “Gender Outlaws: Kate Bornstein with David Harrison“, an interview, Tapestry magazine, IFGE, summer 1994
Review: “Ringing Truth“, on Dr. Deborah Tannen’s You Just Don’t Understand, Tapestry magazine, IFGE, 1993
Zine: SCHEMail, the zine of “wit wisdom & humor”, pub. by the fictional ‘Society of Crossdressing Hardware Engineers’ (self published), 4 issues, Fall 1993 – spring 1995
Review: “Transformations Revisited“, on Transformations, Crossdressers and Those Who Love Them by Mariette Pathy Allen, Tapestry magazine, IFGE, 1991
Feature article: “Living To Tell, Telling to Live“, an autobiographical story on coming out, told under the name of Nancy Reynolds, Tapestry magazine, IFGE, 1991