Alice Dreger, editor of "Intersex in the Age of Ethics"
Paul Kivvel, author of "Boys Will Be Men: Raising our Sons for Courage, Caring, and Community"
Mary Bedler-Gerran, director of the play "Before I Disappear," the Alexandra Billings life story
00:00 Introduction
06:41 Question of the Week
11:45 Hal Fuller's Twisted Nasty News
19:53 Alice Dreger, editor of the just-published "Intersex in the Age of Ethics," and author of "Hermaphrodites and the Medical Invention of Sex," on the medical treatment of intersexed individuals. Alice likes to describe herself as a "Historian of Anatomy," and teaches at the Lyman Biggs school at Michigan State where she works with the center for Ethics and Humanities in the Live Sciences.
49:23 Special announcement
50:32 Boston area (and some national) announcements
55:18 Paul Kivvel, author of "Boys Will Be Men: Raising our Sons for Courage, Caring, and Community," on the raising of our next generation of men. Kivvel presents a strong challenge to the "act like a man" attitude, and suggests ways we can empower boys to break the cycle of violence, injustice, racism, and sexism.
76:32 Mary Bedler-Gerran, director of the play "Before I Disappear," the Alexandra Billings life story about a young boy who becomes best friends with a young girl, and later grows up to partner with her, as a lesbian.
87:05 End.
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GenderTalk's Program Archive is provided as a public service by Internet Archive.
Host/Executive producer: Nancy Nangeroni
Engineer/TNN producer: Hal Fuller
Co-host/co-producer: Gordene MacKenzie
Events editor/director: Karen Larsen
Assistant: Amana Hotpoint
Copyright 1999 by Ninja Design and GenderTalk
GenderTalk theme music: "Counterpoint" from Point of View by Spyrogyra, GRP Records
Twisted Nasty News theme music: "Teddy Bear's Picnic" by Frank Devol, from Capitol Sings Kid's Music, Capitol Records