hosted by Nancy Nangeroni & Gordene O. MacKenzie
Felice Newman, Publisher of Cleiss Press, author of "The Whole Lesbian Sex Book"
Deirdre McCloskey, noted transsexual economist, writer and historian
TOPIC (Click on bold/colored text below for web site or email)
Solistice Clelbration by Hal Fuller
Question of the Week
Hal Fuller's Twisted Nasty News
Felice Newman, publisher and co-founder of Cleiss Press (, "publisher of queer books for smart readers by popular authors." She is also the author of the newly-released "The Whole Lesbian Sex Book: A Passionate Guide for All of Us (at" We talk with Felice about the press and their gender-transgressive contributions, as well as her take on lesbian sex.
Boston area (and some national) announcements
Special Message
Deirdre McCloskey, noted transsexual economist, writer and historian. She is the author of "Crossing, A Memoir," a book which describes her transition from Donald, world-famous economist, to Deirdre, a self-described "feminist" and observer of gender traits essential to men and women. She responds to our challenge on her "feminist" politics, and talks about her experience with media as well as her self-identity as a woman.
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GenderTalk's Program Archive is provided as a public service by Internet Archive.
Host/Executive producer: Nancy Nangeroni
Engineer/TNN producer: Hal Fuller
Co-host/co-producer: Gordene MacKenzie
Events editor/director: Karen Larsen
Assistant: Amana Hotpoint
Copyright 1999 by Ninja Design and GenderTalk
GenderTalk theme music: "Counterpoint" from Point of View by Spyrogyra, GRP Records
Twisted Nasty News theme music: "Teddy Bear's Picnic" by Frank Devol, from Capitol Sings Kid's Music, Capitol Records