hosted by  Nancy Nangeroni & Gordene O. MacKenzie
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Sandy Stone, transsexual academic who studies interface, interaction and desire, on Janice Raymond and internet technology

Jean Kilbourne, renowned media critic, on the connection between advertising and the way that we feel

TIME TOPIC               (Click on bold/colored text below for web site or email)     
00:00 Introduction
See the news article about TGs and AIDS
09:57 Question of the Week
Question: "Is there a web site that carries current TG News?"
(from Chris, Seattle)
Question: "I'm doing a project on Drag queens, and I've been looking all over to find out the history behind "drag". Why do they call it drag?"
(from Erin, Toronto, Canada)
Question: "What is the general opionion on the safety of plastic surgeons in Thailand? Who's name comes to mind as far as a good one in that country?"
(from Tamryn, Pittsburgh, Pa)
22:08 Hal Fuller's Twisted Nasty News
36:16 Allucquere Rosanne (Sandy) Stone ( is Associate Professor and Director of the Advanced Communication Technologies Laboratory at UT Austin, Senior Artist at the Banff Centre for the Arts, and a Fellow of the Humanities Research Institute, UC Irvine. In various incarnations she has been a filmmaker, rock 'n roll music engineer, neurologist, social scientist, cultural theorist, and performer. We talked with Sandy about her Janice Raymond's attack on Olivia Records, and about internet content sharing via Napster and FreeNet.
Visit the Public Genitals Project (WARNING: Explitict Photos) at
61:36 Special Message
62:54 Boston area (and some national) announcements
68:48 Jean Kilbourne is internationally recognized for her pioneering work on alcohol and tobacco advertising and the image of women in advertising. A widely published writer and speaker who has twice been named Lecturer of the Year by the National Association of Campus Activities, she is best known for her award-winning documentaries "Killing Us Softly", "Slim Hopes", and "Pack of Lies" (all available from the Media Education Foundation). Her latest book is titled "Can't Buy My Love: How Advertising Changes the Way We Think and Feel". We talked with Jean about the effect of advertising on our lives.
Learn more about Jean Kilbourne and her work at her website,
89:12 End
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Shows by Date:
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1997 (# 123 - 134)

GenderTalk's Program Archive is provided as a public service by Internet Archive.

co-host/executive producer: Nancy Nangeroni
co-host/producer: Gordene MacKenzie
at WMBR: engineer/TNN producer: Hal Fuller  
events editor/director: Karen Larsen
at KUNM: engineer: Ali Adelman    assistant: Joe Warnes   
GenderTalk is a joint production of WMBR Cambridge and KUNM Albuquerque
Copyright 2001 by Ninja Design and GenderTalk
GenderTalk theme music: "Counterpoint" from Point of View by Spyrogyra, GRP Records
Twisted Nasty News theme music: "Teddy Bear's Picnic" by Frank Devol, from Capitol Sings Kid's Music, Capitol Records