hosted by Nancy Nangeroni & Gordene O. MacKenzie
Emi Koyama on the new teaching kit from the Intersex Society of North America
Jyl Felman on teaching as performance and her new book titled "Never a Dull Moment"
Boston area (and national) announcements
Jyl Felman (, on putting the art of performance (and excellence) into teaching. She is the author of "Never a Dull Moment," a new book about teaching methods that excite, involve, and challenge both students and teacher. Jyl Lynn Felman is Assistant Professor of Women's Studies at Brandeis University. She is also a lawyer and performance artist. Her one-woman show, "If Only I'd Been Born A Kosher Chicken," has been aired on C-SPAN and she has appeared on NPR and the BBC. Her previous books include, "Hot Chicken Wings" (1992), which was a Lambda Literary Awards Finalist, and "Cravings" (1997), a memoir.
Read what the Chronicle of Higher Education has to say about "Never a Dull Moment" here.
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GenderTalk's Program Archive is provided as a public service by Internet Archive.
co-host/executive producer: Nancy Nangeroni
co-host/producer: Gordene MacKenzie
at WMBR: engineer/TNN producer: Hal Fuller
events editor/director: Karen Larsen
at KUNM: engineer: Katrina Lucas
assistant: Joe Warnes
GenderTalk is a joint production of WMBR Cambridge and KUNM Albuquerque
Copyright 2001 by Ninja Design and GenderTalk
GenderTalk theme music: "Counterpoint" from Point of View by Spyrogyra, GRP Records
Twisted Nasty News theme music: "Teddy Bear's Picnic" by Frank Devol, from Capitol Sings Kid's Music, Capitol Records