hosted by Nancy Nangeroni & Gordene O. MacKenzie | |||||
TIME | TOPIC (Click on bold/colored text below for web site or email) | |
00:00 |
08:15 |
Question of the Week
"I'm a guy who loves to crossdress. My wife hates it. What should I do?"
20:44 |
Hal Fuller's Twisted Nasty News:
33:13 | Boston area (and national) announcements compiled by Ethan St. Pierre | |
36:03 | Please Donate to Gender Education & Media so that we can continue and expand on this work. | |
37:13 |
The leading representative of the GLBT community in federal politics, the Human Rights Campaign, is hard at work on marriage and employment issues. Michael Cole, Communications Coordinator, talks about their work to avert the federal marriage amendment and also about their work integrating rights for transgender persons with their advocacy for LGB employment rights. Federal Marriage Amendment work on and update ENDA and tg issues
For more information:
63:14 |
GenderTalk open forum:
89:30 | End |
More Info: |
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Thanks for listening!
GenderTalk's Program Archive is provided by Internet Archive as a public service.
co-host/executive producer: Nancy Nangeroni
co-host/producer: Gordene MacKenzie
engineer/TNN producer: Hal Fuller
events editor/phone manager:Ethan St. Pierre
audio post-production: Nancy Nangeroni
web design and fabrication: Nancy Nangeroni
GenderTalk is a production of WMBR Cambridge and Gender Education & Media, Inc.
GenderTalk theme music: "Counterpoint" from Point of View by Spyrogyra, GRP Records
Twisted Nasty News theme music: "Teddy Bear's Picnic" by Frank Devol, from Capitol Sings Kid's Music, Capitol Records