hosted by Nancy Nangeroni & Gordene O. MacKenzie | |||||
TIME | TOPIC (Click on bold/colored text below for web site or email) | |
00:00 |
20:49 |
Questions of the Week
"My wife and I have been considering the idea of gender role reversal. She is a very good business woman and I am more passive and enjoy cooking and can get used to cleaning, etc. Ideally, she would like me to assume the role of a traditional, female homemaker. Have your heard from other couples in such an arrangement? Do you have advice?"
30:33 | Currents with Karen & Ethan
46:13 |
Shine On
by Louey Moss, from the album "Broken" |
50:39 |
My Ex-Boyfriend
by Chuck Prentiss |
54:03 | Undaunted by the absence of our planned guest, Nancy, Gordene, Ethan & Karen engage in a wide-ranging conversation, launching off of current events to talk about things like our cultural focus on genital size and how that affects surgical practice, how the recent changes in national security focus are affecting at least one trans marriage, the surprising crux of Nancy's hockey dream, how intersexual marriages could prove pivotal in the current debate on same-sex marriage, and much more.
64:25 | Special Message | |
65:16 | Conversation with Nancy, Gordene, Ethan & Karen continues
87:56 | End |
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GenderTalk's Program Archive is provided by Internet Archive as a public service.
co-host/executive producer/engineer: Nancy Nangeroni
co-host/producer: Gordene MacKenzie
web design and fabrication: Nancy Nangeroni
GenderTalk is a production of WMBR Cambridge and Gender Education & Media, Inc.
GenderTalk theme music: "Counterpoint" from Point of View by Spyrogyra, GRP Records