hosted by Nancy Nangeroni & Gordene O. MacKenzie
Deeg Gold: Queer advocacy: What is really worth working for? Have we lost our way? A compelling critique of assimilationism
Brett Genny Beemyn, coordinator of GLBT Student Services at Ohio State, on OSU's support for trans students, and a new study on development of transgender identity
TOPIC Click on colored text below for more information
Listener letter: animal cruelty
Raving Raven
Listener letter: cosmetic surgery
Gender News
Women challenge catholic ban on women priests
Gay teen execution reason questioned
Transsexuality officially accepted in Iran
Raytheon forst of 'big 6' defence contractors to protect TG, TS workers
Mitt Romney vetoes emergency contraception
NY: schools focus on stopping bullying
Araujo murder retrial underway as hate crime
Student disciplined for objecting to lesbianism
Murderer of activist Wanda Alston gets 24 years in prison
Question of the Week
"Hi my question to you is in regards to the use of the word TransgenderED, to me and some others the implication is that something needs completion to be transgenderED, a transgender person is already there. It is my belief that this is part of what makes the uneducated folks, think and view the "T" community as other than what it truly is. I'm sure you don't refer to Gay people as GayED or Lesbian people as LesbianED. Thank you."
(From: Elisabeth)
Join us for a rousing conversation with self-defined butch dyke and longtime member of LAGAI Queer Insurrection, Deeg Gold. Deeg presents a challenging and inspiring view of anti-assimilationist queer politics, which pushes us all to dream bigger and be less willing to settle for crumbs from the master's table. We never mention trickle-down economics, but we certainly prefer a ground-up construction as we talk about "same-sex marriage" and "gays in the military".
MacKenzie: "We don't have to go along with all the bullshit! Resist!"
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While much has been written about individual transgender experiences, little research has examined the processes by which people come to see themselves as MTFs, FTMs, crossdressers, genderqueers, and other transgender and gender diverse identities. Our guest, Brett Genny Beemyn, Ph.D., coordinator of GLBT Student Services at Ohio State University, co-chair of the National Consortium of Directors of LGBT Resources in Higher Education, and a board member of the Transgender Law and Policy Institute, is undertaking one of the first large-scale studie of transgender identity development.
Beemyn: "It is time that trans communities are able to speak for themselves!"
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GenderTalk's Program Archive is provided by Internet Archive as a public service.
co-host/executive producer: Nancy Nangeroni
co-host/producer: Gordene MacKenzie
engineer: Mark Weaver
web design and fabrication/audio post production: Nancy Nangeroni
GenderTalk is a production of WMBR Cambridge and Gender Education & Media, Inc.
GenderTalk theme music: "Counterpoint" from Point of View by Spyrogyra, GRP Records